-Plant climbing plants, like clematis against walls, or fences.
-Keep an eye out in the supermarket plant sections, and their websites, for cheap shrubs, climbers, and fruit trees and bushes at this time of year.
-If you’ve moved any plants, or divided them , keep them well watered to prevent them drying out before their roots are established.
-Put stakes in next to tall growing plants now they are starting to grow and you can see where they are in the border.
-Later in the month you can start to sow French beans, sweetcorn, and courgette, so they will be ready to plant out when the last frosts have passed.
-At the end of the month you can start hardening the above, and any other indoor sown plants ready to stay outside for the summer months.
-Feed your fruit bushes ready for them to crop in the summer.
-You can sow a lot of vegetable seeds directly outside now such as peas, salad leaves, turnip, mangetout, leeks, and cauliflower.
-The birds will be nesting now and will need food for themselves, as well as their young. Keep your feeders topped up and make sure there’s some fresh water for them to bathe in and drink.
-If you are going to trim a hedge, check there isn’t a nest inside.
-Keep an eye out for hedgehogs emerging from hibernation this month.