- Keep on top of weeding. The smaller the weed, the easier it is to pull out.
- Keep on top of watering, especially plants in containers.
- Keep an eye out for pests. For aphids, a spray with dilute washing up liquid will get rid of them.
- Stake plants that are beginning to get top heavy with growth.
- Divide spring flowering perennials if plants are outgrowing their space, or to get a new clump started in another part of the garden.
- Deadhead flowering plants to encourage new flowers to be produced.
- Feed any veg plants in containers, like tomatoes, or potatoes in grow bags.
- Sow summer veg and salad like – Beetroot, French Beans, Runner Beans, Lettuce, Spring Onions, Courgette, and Pumpkins
- If you’ve got a compost heap, or bin, water it if it’s looking dry to keep it moist to keep the rotting process going.
- If you’ve got a wildlife pond, remove any blanketweed that forms regularly. Use a stick and twirl in the weed to pick it up like candyfloss. Leave the weed at the edge of the pond for a while for any mini-creatures to get back into the pond.
- Keep feeding the birds as they will need high energy food to help keep them fueled while they collect insects and caterpillars for their chicks. Don’t put whole peanuts out at the moment though in case the adult birds try and feed them to the chicks as it could choke them.
- The garden should be full of butterflies, hoverflies, and other insects now. If you are looking to attract bees, or butterflies have a look when you are at the garden centre at which plants they are visiting. You’ll notice some flowers are getting regular visits, or are covered in bees or butterflies even at the garden centre, so you know they visit when the plant is in your garden too.
- If you're lucky you might get hedgehogs visiting your garden. If you want to put a bit of extra food down for them, a bowl of cat food would be appreciated.